Engineering Tools
The Wafer Sort Controller (WSC) provides a number of engineering tools that can be used during test program development, hardware qualification and debug purposes, as listed below.
Tester Control Panel
The Tester Control Panel can be used to remotely control the tester. It provides the ability to step around the wafer and independently issue commands from the WSC to the tester e.g. Start Test, Read Bin, End Of Wafer and End Of Cassette commands.
The user can select the die they wish to test by clicking the required die on the wafer map and the prober will automatically move to the selected die and Z-up. The die will flash white to help the user keep track of where they are on the wafer and the XY co-ordinates are also displayed in the bottom left hand corner of the display.
The Test-Bin button enables the user to repeatedly test a die and read the resulting bin number. This can be setup by entering the number of test cycles plus any required delay in milliseconds. This feature is useful when performing gauge R&R studies.
Prober Control Panel
The Prober Control Panel can be used to remotely control the prober. It provides the ability to independently issue commands from the WSC to the prober e.g. Load, Unload, Auto Align, Profile, Lamp On/Off, Chuck Up/Down, and Fire Inker.
Lamp Pole Panel
The Lamp Pole Panel can be used to remotely control the prober lamp pole. The maintenance engineers use this tool, as it provides a quick and easy means to debug any new cables.
Cycle Prober Tool
The maintenance engineers can use the Cycle Prober Tool to set-up the wafer handling, burn in and qualify the prober after maintenance, or for general debug purposes.
The user can select the appropriate Prober Commands to be exercised and enter the required Number Of Cycles, then select Start. The WSC keeps track of the Cycles and Times and displays them in the top right of the panel.