Thurs 13 Sept 2018
by themabtrader
M1 MAB | Sell | -0.12R
M1 failed MAB | Sell | -1.11R
The blue line shows where I had my TP for both trades. The 15min MA was below the bear channel.
For the first trade, I should not have been so greedy, and taken 2R profits just above the M5 EQZ. For the second trade, I doubled down on the belief that price would push down to meet the 15min MA at the M5 EQZ midline. I think this was because I was annoyed that I had missed the earlier trade and wanted to make back the profits I could have had.
M1 MAB | Sell
I’m annoyed at myself for missing this one, as I was sat waiting patiently with fingers at the ready. I was waiting for a literal touch of the 1min moving average, which never came, and then I hesitated just hoping that it would push those few pips higher. A bad decision.
You can see I’ve also just taken another trade at the Daily bear channel midline.
M1 failed MAB | Sell | -1.00R
The biggest mistake here was probably taking a sell trade when only 30 minutes ago I predicted a bullish trend for the day, followed closely by knowingly ignoring the 5min MAB.
I was anticipating a move down towards Yes. High, where there were signs of confluence between the Low-High GZ, the 15min and 1hour moving averages. I believed the daily bull channel and 5min bear channel would be sufficient resistance.