End of Day Review
4 trades taken.
1 winner, 1 loser, 2 break even.
M5 MAB Sell winner | +1.68R
The M5 MAB worked almost to perfection. If you see my trade tool, the entry level was meant to be substantially higher, therefore my original 2R target was well above my final +1.68R.
But I don’t want to focus on that: I think that for the first time I’ve experienced a textbook Reversal FIBCON, a setup I’ve searched for and never succeeded! I was sooo focused on closing my trade that I completely missed it, even having already the FibTool in position, exactly as the screenshot. Look how perfect was the reversal at the 61.8 level, bloody amazing….! That was THE trade, a 2R winner in less than 120 seconds.