Thursday 16 January 2020 20th January 202016th January 2020 by themabtrader << Wed 15 Jan Back to Calendar Mon 20 Jan >> End of Day Review +2.02R 1 trade taken.1 winner, 0 losers, 0 break even. 13:42 M1 1hour MAB | Sell | +2.02R 13:42 M1 1hour MAB | Sell 11:05 M1 FibCon | Sell I was waiting for the previously anticipated 15min MAB, so wasn’t ready for this trade. The 5min ema also wasn’t as confluent as I would have liked so wouldn’t have entered the trade even if I had the trade tool ready. 11:03 M1 potential 15min MAB | Sell Confluence between:15min ema1hour ema4hour emaOpen/ Yes. CloseH1 EQZ (13430) 10:07 M1 potential 1min MAB | Sell